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In 2023, Tarrant County, Texas was home to more than 138,000 children under the age of five. Approximately 40% of children were Hispanic, 30% were White, and 20% were Black. Nearly 25,000 (18%) of children were living below the federal poverty threshold.
CHILDREN AT RISK reported in 2022 that there were 112,198 children under the age of 5 in Tarrant County living in families with one or both parents working.
Number of Tarrant County Child Care Programs by Setting, 2019-2023
Tarrant County Children Under Age 5 by Race/Ethnicity, 2023
However, there has been a decrease in available child care since COVID-19, particularly for licensed and registered family homes, as well as for programs that accept infants and/or toddlers.
Number of Tarrant County Child Care Programs Serving Infants and/or Toddlers, 2019-2023
Additionally, during the fourth quarter of 2023:
Fewer than 25% of the licensed or registered child care programs in Tarrant County accepted children with disabilities, and
3% of programs offered nontraditional hours (nights or weekends)