Celebrating Real-Life Superheroes: Recap of the NTX Family Leadership Summit 2024
On May 4th, families from across North Texas gathered at the Hurst Conference Center to attend the second annual NTX Family Leadership Summit. The theme was “Parents are Real-Life Superheroes.” This free event celebrated the unsung heroes of our communities and provided valuable resources for families to thrive in early care and education. The event was hosted by the Early Learning Alliance, Help Me Grow North Texas, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, and Bachman Lake Together along with seven parent advisors from North Texas counties. The event was a testament to the power of collaboration in promoting family leadership and early childhood development.

The attendees were greeted with an atmosphere buzzing with excitement and anticipation. From the moment they stepped through the doors, families knew they were in for a day filled with inspiration, empowerment, and connection.
The day began with three dynamic breakout sessions tailored to address the diverse needs of families. Topics ranged from financial literacy to socio-emotional support for parents and early childhood development. These sessions provided attendees with valuable insights and practical tools to navigate challenges of parenthood with confidence and resilience. Following the breakout sessions, attendees gathered to hear from a keynote speaker, LaQueisha Jeffries from L.Jeffries Consulting, who delved on how to advocate for your children at school and child care. This enlightening presentation empowered parents with knowledge about their children’s rights, equipping them to advocate effectively on behalf of their families.
Throughout the day, families had the opportunity to connect with a diverse array of organizations at the resource fair, where eight different organizations come together to provide information on community programs, resources,and early care and education opportunities. Parents were provided with access to valuable resources and support networks to help them navigate their parenting journey.

One of the key pillars of the summit was its commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that all families, regardless of their linguistic background, could fully participate in the event. Thanks to our invaluable partners– Community Language Cooperative, Southern Methodist University, and Translation & Interpretation Network– we were able to provide translation and interpretation services to our diverse community. These services not only broke down language barriers but also fostered a sense of belonging and inclusion among attendees. The event also provided transportation and child care to ensure that all families, regardless of their circumstances, could participate fully in the event and benefit from its offerings.
“I really liked the live interpretation in Spanish. Most of the time the language barrier impedes us from learning.”
The success of the NTX Family Leadership Summit would have not been possible without the generous support of our sponsors. A heartfelt thank you to United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, The Morris Foundation, and Pritzker Children’s Initiative for their contributions and dedication to empowering families and strengthening communities.
A huge thank you to the planning committee for ensuring that families had a memorable and enriching experience. From coordinating breakout sessions to securing speakers and managing logistics, their attention to detail and tireless dedication ensured that the event ran seamlessly from start to finish.
The partner organizations and parent advisors worked collaboratively to create an event that not only provided valuable resources and information but also fostered a sense of community and connection among attendees. The parent advisors brought their unique perspective, talents, experiences, and insights to the table and resonated with the needs and interests of families across North Texas. In addition, the parent advisors served as role models for other parents and caregivers, inspiring them to take on leadership roles within their own families and communities.
Planning committee members: [Parent advisors] Omar Aguilar, Gabriela Gomez, Denisse Gutierrez, Johnathane Gaffney, Linda Pemberton, Laura Martinez, and Patricia Vega Carapia. [Partner organizations] Rebecca Rueda from Early Learning Alliance, Amanda Cobb from Help Me Grow North Texas, Monica Ordonez from Bachman Lake Together, Abigail Sharp from United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, and Tiffini Smith from United Way of Metropolitan Dallas.
“It felt good for a stay-at-home mom from a rural area in North Texas to participate in the planning committee for the NTX Family Leadership Summit 2024. The planning committee was supportive and understanding as I was navigating with a newborn baby. It was a true pleasure to learn new skills, and expand my comfort zone during this journey!”
The NTX Family Leadership Summit was more than just a gathering– it was a celebration of the real-life superheroes among us: parents and caregivers who tirelessly advocate for their children and work to create a brighter future for the next generation. As families departed with new insights, connections, and resources, they carried with them the collective power to effect positive change in their families and communities.
To learn more about the NTX Family Leadership Summit, register for the upcoming Quarterly Alliance Meeting here!